
Showing posts from December, 2021

Garland on Netflix...

 I watched an enjoyable..maybe enjoyable is the wrong interesting movie last night on Netflix...JUDY starring Renee Zellweger as Judy Garland. It certainly takes you on a journey. I recommend it...if you have Netflix of course!   I must have missed this the first time around when it was first released in 2019.   Dead at the very young age of 47 Judy Garlands life, although there must have been many highlights, seemed sad and often lonely. Continually put down by studio executives when young and told she was not pretty enough and came from “the wrong side of the tracks” and was lucky to be where she was. Studio chief Louis B. Mayer, it is said, called her his “little hunchback”. Which is surely enough to give anyone a complex! Fed soup to stay thin when she really craved ‘real food’ no wonder she had her problems plus lots of exercise to minimise her curves.    Today this would be called child abuse by any stretch of the imagination.   Judy Garland stated th