
Showing posts from August, 2021

Too Much Love???...

Can you ever have too much love for a pet?  No...not at all as they depend on us for so much...for their very lives in fact. I have had, or I should say have shared in the life of, a very good friend. Some may say it is just a what! I much so that I often worry if anything should happen to me what would happen to her?   Merle an Australian Galah and I have been together for over thirty years now. A very long time you would have to agree. She doesn’t look much like the glossy photos of Galahs one would see in National Geographic or some such glossy magazine as after thirty years she is looking maybe a little worse for wear. I guess we all are come to that!   She walks on the heal of one leg rather than the foot as the foot is rather bent under now. She appears to be in no pain. I am always aware of that and wouldn’t like her to suffer at all.   Rarely in her house during the day and often Loves to sleep  on the bed for a couple of hours at a time.

Whatever Will Be Will Be :( ....

I was just told today it's the vaccinated people that are spreading this Corona Virus! I  don't know where we are heading with this I really don't. It's beyond all my comprehension. A religious person I know, un-vaccinated I add, says..."whatever will be...will be". Unless we are all on the same page with this "thing" we will never get over it and it will mutate and mutate again into something we have no cure for AT ALL. Maybe that's what some want? I find it a frightening situation...frightening Indeed. 

Sometimes It Can Be All Too Much....

Did you catch the news today...Chipmunks at Lake Tahoe In the U.S. have been tested carrying ...wait for it this’ll  make your day...the bubonic plague!( I have no idea just why they would be testing for that anyway?) And people have been warned to stay clear of certain areas and not to come in close contact with these animals.   What with Bats carrying some form of Rabies, Coronavirus even Ebola, all we need to happen at the moment is the swarm of locusts...oh I think we had those last year... the anti Christ appearing... oh wait some say that has already happened if you follow American politics! Now with this terribly cruel virus that is gripping the world with it's changing variants causing many people to die....and so many countries burning up with record temperatures never before heard of in our many lifetimes. Sometimes with so much happening in the world it almost ...and I add I am not really a religious person...but at times it does almost seem like the bibl