Oh to be less than perfect..

People are funny...Why do they state the obvious? Why say anything at all? πŸ˜–

After playing sports and basket ball ( at my height if you saw me you would ask the usual question I have been asked a million times before...being tall that is... "Do you play basketball?" 😣 )  I have some hip pain for which I occasionally take tablets.

Today while doing some garden work I must have strained "something" and as I was walking out a lady I often say hello to said almost in some kind of shock..."You have a limp!"

What can you say in reply...really...I mean..😑 stating the obvious as I try my best to walk normally.

I felt like saying .."So?" but didn't of course.  It's almost as though because of the said limp...slight limp I add...I should be whisked off to some kind of internment camp for damaged people for the less than perfectπŸ˜†

I wouldn't mind but a few weeks previously someone else said exactly the same thing.."You have a limp!" as though it's something one should never ever have in this "perfect" world. 

What else can one state but...er yes I do...thanks for asking! Or maybe just ...No I'm fine thanks..with a smile and leave it there.

Maybe they just care...but then again why mention it at all?

I'm damaged goods..aaAAAHHH 😲😲😱😱 I'd better get out of sight quickly until better...or it's off to the knackery with me!!

People are funny...


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