A game I like to play when having coffee along the rich strip where I live (not me...I add...rich that is!)  on Queensland's Gold Coast is to “size people up”. Surreptitiously  glancing from one customer to the next as I sit sipping my morning brew.

The reason I mention this today is this morning there was an expensive car parked just opposite.  A very pleasant blue Bentley Bentayga four wheel drive,  with a starting price of around five hundred thousand dollars, then there’s $$$ options. There’s always options!
There are so many great cars around here I guess I get used to seeing them after a while watching the  “average price of a house on wheels” driving by.  Lamborghinis, Ferraris, McLaren's Maserati's in an assortment of colours designs and personal number plates.
The personal number plate MADAM LASH on a nice looking car... always makes me wonder, also smile, what that lady driver does! That’s another story for another day I guess :) !
Where was I...so the Aston Martins and latest Porsche and Lamborghinis seem almost commonplace and everyone seems to drive Mercedes and BMW’s, Volkswagens of course Lexus....oh and the Bentley convertibles of course. I always love those convertibles; my dream car to own for sure! I know I’ve missed some models and makes along the way.  Also seen some nice Rolls Royce's.  I have seen one as big as a small bus.
It’s not always easy to place the customer sitting silently maybe on their phone. Are they talking to their broker or some agent as they seal their next deal?  Sometimes it’s the person you least expect,  a casual shirt wearing t-shirt kind of a guy, ups and gets into the most expensive, flashiest, Ferrari or Lamborghini you’ve ever seen.
To prove a point I was at an beachfront house auction nearby once and everyone had their auction paddles at the ready waiting for the sale to begin when, as it started,  the young guy standing next to me with sand on his feet and dressed just in beach shorts made a huge bid that wiped everyone out. Shocked was the word from many...if not all. The auction was all over before it even had time to start.
I have heard it said where I live, unkindly I add,  is a sunny place for shady people! I think that’s unkind....although.... in the past I have called a couple of people by an unkindly name I wouldn’t like to mention here, only to read about them in the local paper or that their office was raided,  they later served a prison sentence.
An older couple sitting nearby...I could see him as a retired judge maybe. The lady over there, very well dressed, hidden behind dark glasses maybe a model in her younger days..or someone who has married a few times and as Zsa ZsA Gabor used to say..” I’m an excellent house keeper..every time a get a divorce I keep the house!” There are so many stories I'm sure.
Sizing people up is interesting to do but you can’t always tell a book by its cover as they say. Looks can often be deceiving but also interesting. Also with many and certain “procedures” that have taken place its often difficult to predict an age...usually a look at hands is often a giveaway...maybe why one famous singer known for her face “touch ups” always wears decorative  gloves...Check it out next time. No...not that one ...the other one!
So as I look at the Bentley Bentayga parked just opposite there is one man who heads the list of prospective owners. Around early seventies he's a likely contender and I wonder what he does...or what he did during his working life to achieve owning such a car and what kind of house he must live in to drive a car like that.
An interesting game of selection as I sit sipping my coffee, reading the newspaper and checking my phone. “Buy...buy...buy”, I say loudly for all to hear. People  look around...mmm  and maybe they wonder about me...as much as I do them!!!


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