Hands up if you’re like me and you hear a favourite song from the past played on the radio and you’re instantly transported back in time. Back to a time that may have had a happy memory or even a sad one. You can remember the surroundings, what you were doing, where you were and who you were with at the time. It all comes flooding magically back.
Then if like myself you also wonder...is that person singing the song still
alive..or how old are they? A You Tube search shows they are still alive!
That’s a relief I think after so many years, or even more of a shock that they
may have been dead for many more!
Numerous have fallen by the wayside and never heard of again or let
themselves go and come to a sad and unknown end as they and their star quality
faded into obscurity; we continue to search all the same. Through YouTube we
click and continue....one link following the next as we go from one old song,
one old singer, to the next. Re-living them in our often childhood memories and
seeing them as we remembered them in our minds.
Some are STILL making money from those few hits they have had back what
seems like decades ago. Still “doing the circuits” of clubs and pubs around the
world singing the same songs to a generation they knew and have grown up with
all growing older together. I guess the royalties keep pouring in year after
year as their songs are continually played and that keeps them going.
If there’s a recent photo on there sometimes shocked to see what they look
like now...while we haven’t changed at all...or we would like to think we
haven’t changed at all that is!!
Some even disgraced with their reputations in tatters. The bigger they are
the harder they fall comes to mind. Little did we know then that some of their
quite innocent secretive peccadillos, at the time, would lead to the “me too”
movement now and their frailties would come back to haunt them in a very big
I remember seeing some of them as almost Godlike, untouchable, not knowing
then about how they may have been promoted and even used by their mentors...by
their own management.
Now I’ll get back to the song that lit up my memory in the first place and
is now enjoyed by a new generation.
Ahhh the innocence of youth and how it lingers in my mind...
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