Yesterday I had my covid shot! All good at this stage.
Fingers very firmly
The doctor was very thorough beforehand. Blood pressure
check...twice...temperature check...twice.. stethoscope sounding chest, back and
heart. Its when the doctor was filling out all the forms on the lap top she
asked “Do you still want to go ahead with it?” Have to admit I was concerned but
went ahead...
There was something I didn’t really think about as I have had a bad
experience with codeine I ticked that box; there was a concern of
an anaphylactic shock. Pleased I did as they asked me to wait longer for half an
hour after the shot instead of the usual 15 minutes to see if there were any
after effects. So I had the shot and wore an “attractive trendy paper bracelet”, as the nurse called it while I waited for the appropriate time to pass. There
wasn’t any reaction! Trendy bracelet removed I made my way home.
I had instructions to call an ambulance immediately if not feeling
well..don’t even bother to go to the local doctor. Ambulance immediately!
Reassuring...not really but just to be safe than sorry I guess.
Strange night as I know it’s all in the mind but I thought I felt..warm.
Most likely nothing then I sort of felt, or I thought I felt, my heart racing
but on checking the thing on my watch it was normal. The mind playing
My next follow up vaccine is on July 22 so that’s all organized. That will
be easier then as this time I had to go to a different surgery. My usual doctor
wasn’t giving the vaccination. We do get used to the usual surroundings don’t
we. I know I do.
The more people that have the vaccination this terrible virus wont keep
replicating and forming into a new and even a more dangerous virus. I guess we
will need a top up yearly just like the flu shot. Oh and instructions to wait
two weeks before having the flu shot. I think I will wait three...maybe
We are so fortunate to be able to have the vaccine so many people overseas, as in India for instance, would love to have the shot or had the chance to have
the shot weeks..months ago. Its just so sad and frightening what is happening
over there. So very sad and no end in sight at this stage.
All around the World there is no escape from this terrible modern day
plague and the age group affected is now becoming even younger. Vaccine is the answer!
Stay safe everyone...wear a mask where appropriate and wash your hands. I
do constantly when out and have a bottle of sanitiser in the car for a back
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