Ahh if we could only time travel....

 If you could experience another time period what would you choose?

Me...Egyptian times have always had a great appeal. I would dearly love to be in ancient Egypt as an onlooker. It has always fascinated me. Just to be able to see everything. To know everything. There are so many puzzles yet to be explained...the Kings and Queens of ancient civilizations. The myths and the legends that have been passed down through the many ages.  The pages of history  that were yet to be written. Blank pages to be filled with truth and facts not rumour and innuendo as we know now. Of lives yet to be lived and legends born.

We can only guess how these large structures were built, the pyramids, the sphinx and the great marble palaces. How did they build so perfectly that even today engineers would have trouble building such things.  The pyramids with their precise and detailed measurements that align with star formations. How do pyramids align with the stars...and yet they had no telescopes...or did they? How? Why? They never had the tools of today that we posses ...or did they? We truly don’t know. Not even a time frame can exactly be put on these structures. Experts and scholars often disagree on this as much as they disagree on so many other things.  There’s so much I would like to know, I’m sure we all would like to know, but I doubt if we shall ever have the knowledge of what truly happened back then in my lifetime.
The hieroglyphics tell amazing stories and the gifts of gold they buried with their Kings, Queens and chosen ones. I know there were grave robbers searching for gold and precious jewels that were buried with their ancestors but it always seems rather sad that these mummies are now dug up and placed in some air conditioned glass case for all to stare at. I must admit I would love to visit and also see what is such an attraction for so many. Guess that makes me a bit of a hypocrite also.
Some say they had help “from the Gods”"! Where they helped from some beings from another time...another dimension.? Did distant travellers help in the building of such monoliths and provide the tools that have stood the test of time many, many, too many to count, years on.
It would be wonderful to have a time machine and just plug in a date and you’re there. I wonder if that will ever happen to be able to change history so that wars never happened. True power indeed.
We could go back in time to see exactly what these people were like and not some made up interpretation. To see for ourselves what life was actually like at the time. Was Cleopatra as beautiful as they say..and as powerful? How did they die? Some so young. Were they murdered? Murdered for their power maybe. It would just be amazing to see the life and the colours and the smells of the day that enveloped them. To be an onlooker on the sidelines, as it were, would be amazing.
I have so many questions...so many questions?
The great clairvoyant /prophet Edgar Cace said that there is a chamber beneath the sphinx that has a history referred to as The Hall of Records. It has never been retrieved although I understand some have tried. Maybe one day this will be found and certain secrets will be explained.
Until that day.....


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