21st century security blanket...

Remember the days.. possibly not you...but I do...when a computer had to be in a temperature controlled, dust free room and specialised people were the only ones allowed to operate the glass fronted whirling taped machines?
Now we all have one in our pockets..purses and don’t think twice about it being dust free...maybe not water proof though as many have found out as it accidently drops into the toilet bowl!!
Moral of the story don’t check the phone when toileting!
What would we do without our phones, our pocket computers, I have no idea. I really couldn’t leave home without  mine. Just the other day I went for a walk and as I felt in my pocket the phone wasn’t there...panic... I just had to go back. Not worried about shorts, shirt, socks and even shoes but the phone is one necessity to never to leave home without. What if something were to happen? I may need the phone in an emergency or someone needs to contact me in an emergency. Oh and the wallet of course in case you get knocked over or something equally sad happens and there is no identification.
Such nice thoughts on a leisurely walk over to the beach!
How many times a day do you check your phone for Facebook, Instagram etc., I must be one of the few not on Facebook...a long story short as they say...I used to see so many conspiracy theories and just different things people would post as being “the truth”. It just takes a quick check and a run through of the “so called expert quoted" and its often wrong or the people are not qualified to say what they do and the facts are completely wrong as they share some of these theories. I feel I’m better off without it quite frankly! But that’s a side issue rather then the phone itself!
But for the time..date..and just knowing it’s there the mobile phone is quite literally a godsend..a 21st century security blanket.
Over the years they have changed..as have we all..from the heavy old “brick”ones to the flip top to the latest i phone  9/10/11 or whatever number it is now. They seem to update so frequently I really do lose track. 
There’s things on there I will never use I but its just good to know “the gadgets” are there; just in case. I do love the camera and always taking photos to post on Instagram for a memory. Maybe not the selfies so much but videos are good and the quality is excellent.
I do like the weather app for checking if it's going to rain and for the temperatures in other states of Australia and around the world; if for nothing else to make us feel smug about living where we live.
So as I remember not to take the phone into the toilet...just in case...I leave you with this thought. In the “olden” days of pre mobile phones how did people ever meet up say in a shopping centre or something. Or I’m running late...the car has broken down I have to walk to the next town or isolated house to make a call to the nearest garage or mobile breakdown service.
I know at times they can be annoying but I would NEVER leave home without mine that’s for sure.
What about you?


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