Any dream interpreters out there????

I had a doozy ( as they say) last night or early morning as it is now 4 AM as I write this! I had to get up and make a warm drink to calm myself down.
I was driving, it was night time and very dark, with my Father in the car beside me. He passed away twenty years ago now!  As we were travelling along the road gradually became whiter...more icy...nothing to worry about it was just very slight ice shining from the reflection of the headlights. Then gradually  it became thicker and whiter. The car behind, I could see in the rear view mirror was swerving trying to gain some control, suddenly it spun off somewhere to the left.
I started to panic I was physically shaking I could feel it. I could feel the was very, very, real!
I continued driving but could go on no longer and gradually slowed down and slowed some more noticing there was a bay ahead where I could pull over. I just had to pull over I was in a cold sweat my heart was pounding out of my chest. I was just so frightened; scarily so. More so than I can ever remember.
The strange thing is...and I have no idea what the significance, if any, most likely none (!) but we had a paper bag of orange pineapple sweets/lollies and I had one of those maybe to calm myself down but it didn’t taste that great! I have no idea!!
I woke up and was physically shaking it was very heart was was quite bizarre. I realised it was a dream, and so relieved it was,  I also knew I would remember it for a long time.

I can honestly say I have never felt anything like that before!  I just lay there for a while thinking about it. It was a really crazy dream and very frightening! Not one that I want to experience again that’s for sure.
I can only make an interpretation myself...maybe it means just to be aware and take precautions there may be dangerous times ahead...or is it just nothing at all but an over active mind?
But why was my Father there with me... and the significance of the pineapple sweets????
A mystery....HELP! 😃


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