Food for thought...

Watched an interesting TV documentary recently on Netflix  called Cowspiracy. They have good documentaries on there they really do. Recommended...

 Really it was something I already knew but it was good to have a refresher to make me certain I’m on the right path.
Now I know meat eaters won’t like this and we all have choices so, I say nothing, just state the facts as laid out in Cowspiracy.

So much land is cleared, a frightening amount of land is cleared just to grow feed for cattle. The worlds hunger could be solved if it weren’t for cattle if we lived a more plant based life.
So much grain and water is consumed by cattle anyone with an ounce of brain can see this is not sustainable in the long term. Also a new UN report states the quickest way to slow global warming is to cut methane emissions; which of course farm animals produce!
Land is being cleared at an incredible rate for cattle to graze or to grow grain to feed to the cattle. So much water and feed is used in the production of milk alone. Now there are so many choices for “milk” of a different kind. Cows are nothing more than milk producing machines. Calves taken away from their mothers for either veal or to produce more milk and we take the milk meant to feed them, the calves, for ourselves.
I know people wont change their eating habits it’s an impossible wish but if everyone just gave up meat for a couple of days a week it would make a difference. Every little thing makes a difference!
I’m not a true vegan by any means but I gave up meat over thirty years ago now and really have never felt better!
I try to eat a varied diet. I remember what meat tasted like and I enjoyed the time. I made a decision one day and have never gone back. Some times people ask why, when I’m not prepared for the question, and I never want to lecture. Usually I just say for a kinder world. I think that seems to satisfy some at least. I’m not one to get into an argument!
Cute little chickens hatching look sweet but is far from the truth. Have you ever wondered what happens to the male chicks. Think about it. They are no use and you can check on YouTube they are disposed off in the most cruel and unbelievable way. It’s just horrendous what we as humans do to innocent animals. I am more than often disgusted truly.
Now I’m lecturing and didn’t start out to at the beginning to do so.
Just some food for thought...


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