On the street where I live...

Local characters make the place interesting don’t you think. Where I live there are many and varied... just like anywhere I guess.
There's the lady with a standard white poodle I’ve seen dyed pink...yes pink I assure you. At Easter another “fur baby” as they are known here, there are many fur babies mostly small ones, was pushed around in a stroller with rabbit ears and wearing a a dress. Maybe a bit over the top but it caused a smile. Not sure how the dog felt about it though!
There is this one lady with, I think, an eastern European accent.. over two metres tall..we call her the Amazon lady! In her early thirties I guess. ”Oh look there’s the Amazon lady!” we point as we drive along when seeing her out running amongst the tourists. Guess she just looks like how some Amazonian warrior would look. Very muscular and sun tanned. I chatted to her in the local newsagents recently. She did a muscle building pose and told me how many kilos of fish she ate that week and how many push ups she does!  Often stopping at the front of the coffee shop where we go in the mornings to do stretches and high kicks, in between taking a breather, before heading off to do another marathon run most likely. She must know everyone looks and mutters under their breath but hey...whatever I admire her. An impressive sight no less..
There’s some who in that past, let’s say kindly, looked suspicious. I guess it was the expensive car. Strangely enough their office was raided, goods were found and police were involved. Coincidence I guess?
Some people that maybe should no longer be driving, but continue to do so, parking in the main street. One I know of just had an accident at a residential building where she lives. I doubt if she will be driving again! One a few years earlier drove in the main gate and ended up vertically against a water feature and the wall. It’s knowing just when to stop driving and at what age I guess.
There’s one, somewhat secretive, apartment dweller I know of has an “interesting” web site...if you’re into that kind of thing. If the neighbours only knew. Maybe they just think he has lots of friends visiting!
The “long lunch” ladies that love a tipple..or two! The ones who know all that happens and all what’s going on. What shop’s about to close and what’s on the point of opening. “Oh...yes I know”, they say when told of what I thought was news. Often they don’t, adding it in their mind to the jungle drums, ready to communicate with others.
Many local friendly real estate agents I wave to and have a chat. Some say it’s very quiet and others are run off their feet hunting new listings. For some the glass is half full with others it’s overflowing.
The once Ferrari driver who parked where it could be seen directly outside the coffee shop. Then gradually downgrading to a more usual car and not worrying just where they park!

The wheelers and dealers that come and go and those that speak loudly, for all to hear, of the new luxurious house they're building with canal frontage and the large chandelier in the foyer “It’s as large as the one in the Versace foyer ”, they boast. It also has a glass wall so as to see the fabulous car parked in the garage.”I need to see the car!” and after a while they disappear and you wonder where they went.
The snappy dressers that look rich...the casual dressers that ARE richer and don’t need to impress.
I enjoy people watching. Life can be interesting on the street where I live....


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