What would you do if you won the Lottery? I’m sure you have thought about it if you’re honest...

 I knew someone who had a win a few years ago now and it caused great excitement...great excitement indeed!
I was there when the lady from the lottery office rang at 8am on the dot the following morning, after the six numbers were crossed off the evening before, to check the winning ticket number. No sleep the night before of course...and yes she confirmed it was a winning ticket!
Amazing...life changing. He went from being a cleaner with his own very small business to have a billboard the size of a house on the main highway saying ‘ Local Cleaner mops up and wins Lotto!’
The funny, or not so funny, part on the local TV news the announcer stated the following evening "A local toilet cleaner has won the lotto"...a toilet cleaner!! The winner didn’t care...what’s that saying call me anything but not late for dinner!
Anyway after the initial two week wait...you have to wait two weeks not sure why... he hired a stretch limo and with Dad in tow and some friends were chauffeured  to the head office in Brisbane to collect the large cheque. Something I will never forget as I was lucky enough to be there as well.
After a holiday at Hamilton Island with a friend working out just what to do it was all a bit daunting for him as it’s said that 95% of winners lose the money just as quickly as they won it. It can tend to go to their heads I guess. After all it is a shock to go from nothing to having money. I know just the week before this friend of mine was at the check out at Woolworths and never had enough money for the amount of groceries; so had to give some back.
How quickly fortunes can change indeed.
When he went to the bank and told them it was a wonderful feeling. I remember I was there when the bank manager said “You had better have some spending money. Now how much do you want on your card for spending?” We agreed $40,000 sounded a good amount. So from having a few hundred the week before it suddenly grew to $40,000. Even that took some getting used to for him. Can you even imagine what it was like to see that much money on the paper print out!!
He still did house cleaning for a year or so more but this time instead of an old van he had a top of the range Jeep Grand with a personal registration plate. His Father had a new car bought also as well as a new house each one for the son one for Dad.
The Father loved his new car and the disc player...you could hear him arriving with The Seekers belting out from the sound system!
The house was beautiful. His friend suggested an alteration to this existing beach house and together we spray painted on the land where the swimming pool would go. Of course it kept getting bigger and bigger eventually the 100,000 litre pool with waterfall and spa was built with a covered grass hut all set in a jungle themed garden!! It looked amazing when completed...plus a side gate to walk to the beach which was just moments away.
So with investment properties this winner was certain not to be one of those of 95% of  losers as mentioned earlier.
Can lightening strike twice in the same place?  Anything is possible....


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