What's your earliest memory? I can remember so much, back so far, in such minute detail it’s frightening sometimes. It even frightens me!
My earliest memory...or I should say one of the many...standing naked in the kitchen sink while on holiday at my aunties place at the seaside with my Mother washing me...and that was just last year......(I even make myself laugh at times πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ I know it’s sad isn’t it!) Anyway back to the story... Cousins standing around looking and people coming and going...how embarrassing!! I guess I must have ben around 5/6..I know but it’s still embarrassing! The kitchen sink mind...how unhygienic..but back then (in the olden days!) I guess things were different. It must have affected me as its indelibly stamped on my memory.. I can still picture the room now..and all the people looking at me πŸ˜•...aaaAAHH
I can go back even earlier than that....it’s strange I know but I can remember laying in my cot..believe it or not and it’s the truth...and I wont say how many years ago that was (!!!) but it was a fair time ago, anyway the nurse used to call in back then, not sure if they still do that now, and as she looked down at me innocently laying there she said “He’ll break a few hearts when he gets older!”   What!!
I know but I clearly remember it.
I can describe the couple of rooms my parents rented while waiting to go on the council waiting list for a flat. That was up to the age of around four or five.. It was above a house; the top floor. There were two rooms...a small, very small, kitchen box room kind of thing with room just for a small stove and small table and the other room a lounge/bedroom combined. Dad sitting by the fire painting plaster wall plaques he had made and then he would take them around the shops to sell, or try to sell, displayed in a suitcase trying to raise some  money for food and rent when work and also money were tight. He would walk miles often without selling any; I also remember the cardboard in his shoes when the soles were wearing through!
I remember the metal moulds he would pour plaster of Paris in they would be in the fire place, and hope, when they dried, they came out okay and wouldn’t crack. Then carefully sit there painting them hopefully to hang on someone's wall. They were cone shaped and would hold plastic flowers I guess. We kept the moulds for many years.. think I even tried to make some myself. My first go at retail!
We never had a car when I was young. Dad had a push bike and he made some stirrups and an extra seat to fit onto the cross bar so that as I sat in front of him while riding I had these stirrups like on a horse to put my feet in. Strange how I can clearly remember that and people would look and smile...”Ooooh never seen that before!” they would say.
Just a few memories shared... some happy and some sad.  Let me know yours in the comments???


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