
 I enjoy just watching other people when shopping. It’s always interesting, fascinating and often entertaining.

There’s the vege guy who always says hello as he stacks more fresh produce on to the shelves. We have a brief I load up on my assortment of vegetables and my usual 12/15 or so kiwi fruit.  I have two every morning before breakfast and have done for as long as I can remember...the secret of my youthful good looks and stunning complexion πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
Then, as we go around, my partner ...he works at Woollies as a *product placement specialist ...he sees “things” that are often out of place, where they shouldn't be, and as I go ahead pushing the trolley he adjusts boxes on the shelves...”Look,”... he calls annoyingly as I turn back to see what’s happening. “They always do this..It’s just so frustrating,” he states with alarm. “They will put a full box at the front..while..look...look,” he continues pointing for me to see   “....while there are half empty boxes at the back...It's SO annoying!” he adds. 

He is a very conscientious worker and takes pride in doing a good job and it can often be annoying others do not do the same and I completely understand. I admire him for that.

As we continue around another isle I go slowly ahead as I leave him trimming excess cardboard on a shelf of canned goods as he complains how lazy some staff are..”They just shouldn’t leave this on!” he states again with alarm.  I agree with a knowing smile and a shake of the head as I move on once again. “That really annoys me,” he continues under his breath “They are just SO lazy”.
I wouldn’t mind but he’s not even working today, this is his day off  😲😲!! And this is not even the store he works at but he always does it and I always smile...”Yes...terrible..SO SO lazy,” I agree as I push forever onward with our gradually filling trolley.
Of the many customers this morning there’s always some that “take my eye” as it were:
There’s a health conscious gym guy with his carefully selected basket of groceries scrutinising the ingredients on a packet he picks up; for fear of being poisoned no doubt by some unknown ingredient.
The immaculately looking Instagram influencer who “out perfects” everyone in the store at this early hour on a Saturday morning in grooming and fashion...while alongside her a young mother with three small children under five searches for bargains as she tries to control her young crying brood and looks on, at the said influencer, maybe longingly, wistfully, just for a fleeting moment at maybe what was; or possibly what could have been.
A couple who help each other along, one sitting on a ride on ...I was going to say mower but that wouldn’t make any sense!!....a ride on disabled type scooter, as they search for bargains.

An older man who looks lost and lonely, maybe now on his own after losing a lifelong partner...unsure of what to buy,  maybe not even knowing how to cook it and wondering if his pension will stretch to a luxury item this week.
At the checkout a young couple so in love standing behind us this morning maybe shouldn't have even have left the bedroom..let alone the house..they were hanging on to each other so closely. Then when HE wandered away to find a last minute purchase she couldn’t bear to be separated and looked on anxiously, almost nervously, as though he would never return from that distant isle. Maybe he’s left and gone to some far away land...ahh no there he is on his way back; it was only the cheese aisle! 
She looks relieved to see him again and at once they are back in each others arms.
The cheerful always active checkout guy Adam who is ready with a smile and a chat but today it was Harry...not so chatty but friendly. We usually see Adam..he knows our bags..straight into the trolley and bag them when we return to the car.
Then it’s home again to unpack...relax and a cool drink. Another interesting morning people watching at Woollies πŸ˜€

*Product Placement Specialist:
A purveyor of produce from supplier to the shelves... 



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