I am amazed at all the conspiracy theories by numerous extremist groups
world wide. Many it seem to have been sourced from the United States.
I cancelled my Facebook account a couple of years ago. Nothing against the
original idea of Facebook in bringing people together but because of all the
false conspiracy stories that were shared by seemingly knowledgeable people who
really should know better. Some even I know who read an article, not knowing if
the facts are true or false, then share it to their friends and in an instant it
goes ballistic. I always check everything, Maybe I’m even too thorough but there
you go...
One only has to check the source of many, or most, of these “stories” as
that’s what they are ...stories.. to see they are nothing more than conspiracy
theories on a super large scale. Before the internet we never had all this
“stuff” happening. It’s truly incomprehensible...mind blowing in fact!
I remember “ back in the day” some popular music records
that certain church groups didn’t like were accused of poisoning the minds of
children and that if these records were played backwards satanic messages form
the devil could be heard. What!!! Of course no such thing existed. Just imagine
what the outcome would have been if the internet were around then. It would have
exploded like a grenade world wide and most likely the people that made the
initial music would have been hounded out of existence; maybe even killed!
Donald Trump is the saviour it seems of the QAnon conspiracy theorist group
that is now in the news. No one actually knows just who the faceless Q is. Or
are! Most likely just a small group of manipulators pulling the strings in
some dark backroom “somewhere” and loving the thought to have such power and
control over people. I am amazed...truly amazed and when we are led to
“understand” that the only person who can indeed save us, actually stands
between you and the dark forces of evil, is Donald Trump the mind well and truly
It’s just like a religious cult. Why do people feel the need to go down
this path I have no idea. None. They follow this “yellow brick road” as it
were to spread fake news about this dangerous, blood drinking, cabal of so
called celebrities who are, supposedly, holding and killing children for some
kind of bizarre ritual sacrifice.
The Queen of England is supposed to be a shape shifting lizard person.
Michelle Obama, the former first lady, wife of Barack Obama the 44th US
President, AND I add Jacinda Ardern the Prime Minister of New Zealand are
supposedly men! And on it goes... I find it all so very bizarre.
This seems to have come to more peoples notice when Hilary Clinton was
running for President back in 2016. The internet propagated the misguided theory
that she, Hilary Clinton, was operating a child paedophile sex ring and that a
group of powerful elites were abusing and holding children hostage out of a
pizza shop in Washington DC. It was supposed to be operating from the basement
but this didn't stop Edgar Welch a deeply religious father of two, on reading
about this on the internet, from packing guns and heading from his home state of
North Carolina to rescue the said children only to find once there that no
children being held and indeed there wasn’t even a basement! He was sentenced to
four years in prison. This famously came to be known as Pizzagate!
It just sounds crazy but the power of the internet is frightening indeed
and people believe rather than checking. I just shake my head...really! Beyond
“pizza gate” the internet is full of crazy wild conspiracy theories where people
are urged to take action!!
If you wear red shoes it is supposed to be a sign you are a member of this
so called child murdering, blood drinking, cult. There are so many conspiracy
theories out there too many to count or even mention here.
The latest is that a QAnon conspiracy theorist has supposedly infiltrated
our politics in Australia. A close family friend, a QAnon member, of our Prime
Minister is "supposed" to be influencing his decisions or putting words in his
mouth. I watched a programme last evening and what the QAnon conspiracy had done
to divide the family of this man is horrendous. Anyway it seems when the prime
minister was making a speech, an apology speech in parliament to a large group
of people that had been abused, he supposedly had to say the words “ritual
sexual abuse” and when he actually said those words the internet went off as
they were the words that were said to be fed to him to say! I have no real idea
if it’s even true!
So don’t wear red shoes...you may be linked to a
It’s truly crazyville in the extreme out there... Welcome to the 21st
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