IMAGINE..     I have always had this thought, and I know it’s a simplistic way of thinking and will never happen, but all this constant arguing between ourselves, whether it be Liberal/Conservative versus Labor.. Democrat versus Republican etc., it’s never ending the constant bickering and fighting.

 If only we could all get along and the energy and money that would be saved if we could all just work together. If things were run more like business with a board of directors from across the spectrum so to speak.

 An impossible dream I know with so many different opinions but the thought of it would be amazing and I also know It would never happen in my lifetime, maybe not ever, for there has to be a monumental shift in thinking for this to happen.

Maybe we need a completely new vision, a new interpretation, of what we have rather than the constant growth and destruction of Earths resources. In the words of the late John Lennon...Just Imagine!
Does it make any sense where the richest 85 people in the world have more wealth than the 3.5 Billion poorest!  It seems impossible I know.  There shouldn’t be all this famine there is enough for everyone it just has to be managed better...more inclusively. “No need for greed or hunger a brotherhood of man".
Land is being cleared of natural vegetation at a vast rate to cater for farming where grain is grown and vast amounts of water are consumed to feed cattle where the grain could be used to actually feed people first instead of second hand through cattle. There is enough for everyone if it’s handled with a different way of thinking. 

So many things make sense to me and seem so obvious. There has to be vast changes for this to happen a new way, a different way, of thinking...but I don’t want to lecture; but I am I know.
We’re with you John so many years after your death...we’re with you in mind and spirit and we, or at least I, can IMAGINE!



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