Diddly Squat...
Diddly Squat Farm....Jeremy Clarkson 😀😆
I have just watched the funniest new series on Amazon TV with Jeremy Clarkson
called Clarkson's Farm. Amazing! Haven’t laughed so much in a long time watching
Many would know Jeremy from his years on the top rating TV show Top Gear
and more recently The Grand Tour with his mates James May and Richard Hammond.
This time he’s without his usual crew, on his own..apart from, that is, his partner Lisa and two of the funniest farm workers in Caleb and Gerald.
He has purchased 1,000 acres of the prettiest farmland in the Cotswolds in
England and he is trying his best to make it productive enough to earn from it.
With the huge expense of farm equipment and the ultra large Lamborghini tractor
he purchased with enough bells and whistles, one would think, to launch a
nuclear missile! The myriad of farm equipment that he knows nothing about and what actual
task they are supposed to perform, well, he looks on in bemused amazement. It’s
a good thing he has help that’s all I can say. In fact he calls the ”things”,
the equipment, something out of a medieval funfair!
After spending around 82,000 pounds on farm equipment and I don’t think
that even includes the Lamborghini tractor, the profit at the end of the season which is the end of the series, is very surprising. You will have to wait and see that for yourself!
Caleb is around 21 and very knowledgeable having lived in the village all
of his life, rarely travelling outside of it, and knowing everyone and all that
goes on amongst the many farmers for miles around. Gerald is hilarious,
absolutely hilarious, 71 and he speaks but we can’t understand what he says;
neither can Jeremy as he gives the occasional smile of curiosity in the
direction of the camera. His local country dialect is so strong it’s really like
listening to another language completely. As someone said he sounds like a
farming Ozzy Osbourne. Every 15th word comes out perfectly clear it’s all the words in between we cant
The trials and tribulations are many...very many! Jeremy is funny without
even trying to be funny that’s the funny part!
I loved the sheep roundup using a drone that barks like a dog and has no
effect on the sheep AT ALL!
I do hope there’s another series. Caleb and Gerald are stars in the making
and deserve a show of their own they are both really, really, good and make the
show. Subtitles may be a required option though for Gerald 😉
Gerald 😆
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