I hear President Trump...or rather ex President Trump (who STILL thinks he should be President) is thinking of making a re-appearance! It was supposed to be earlier this year and now the word is August..yes this August! Supposed to be re-instated in the White House so it goes and President Biden pushed out. I can’t see it happening not sure about everyone else?

 I couldn’t take another few more years!! Those signings of countless executive orders and the endless photo ops. I used to wake up in the middle of the night and switch my radio on just in case he had resigned. Surely shouldn’t they just get on with the job of being President without all the fanfare and camera ops just like President Biden!
I can honestly say that although I live on a completely different continent it just seemed endless day after day after.... you know the way it goes. Twitter this and Twitter that...aaaAAAHHH!
Thankfully there were no major incidents in the one term he was in the White House. There did seem to be a lot of violence on the streets which appears to have eased considerably. Coincidence?
The pandemic which would “go away when it’s get’s warmer”...and “Just a Democrat hoax” has been proven to be more serious than any of us thought or could even imagine. And still it continues later 18 months on and no sign of easing up until the world has more vaccinations.
We in Australia have been so fortunate...extremely so. Melbourne Victoria has had it the worst and now they are on their fourth, I think it is, shutdown. It keeps spreading from hotel quarantines. It just takes one leak and there it goes and it’s off again. Anyone...literally anyone would know that to put returning people in a hotel for a couple of weeks is not a quarantine facility. It does not have the separate air systems and is a hotel after all. There are so many Australians waiting to return home...so many thousands that they really require special quarantine facilities to be built...like LAST YEAR! We have a base at Howard Springs in the Northern Territory but it cannot handle the volume of people required.
Plans have now, at last, been talked about but will take another year or so to build. I even heard another 18 months mentioned. How many more outbreaks will there be between now and then the mind boggles. At least we can shut our borders unlike many other countries but it’s just the returning people that want to be home with all this going on..that’s the problem that needs to be addressed.
We did have one outbreak here in Queensland when we all had to wear masks for two weeks. Mostly all complied and that was good to see. That, thankfully, passed without casualties but we still all have to enter on our phones with the special app when we go in restaurants, cafes etc., for tracing purposes if anything were to happen.
Hopefully this will all be over until another virus rears its ugly head as I’m certain it will. We are indeed fortunate to have scientists that have worked so hard to make a vaccine. I have had one dose the second one to complete the dose next month; I didn’t hesitate. There has been so much talk of blood clots it frightened so many but there are 30,000 blood clots a year in Australia and 5,000 deaths. That’s every year so really it can unfortunately happen to anyone.
Then there’s the anti vaccination people or anti vaxers as they are known...don’t even get me started! If it weren’t for the vaccines this virus would mutate and mutate again and we would be in an even worse state than ever.
We can only hope and pray all will be well eventually...and also that Donald Trump does not return πŸ™


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