To me it’s always seemed such a waste that when we die all our memories die with us. Unless it is written or recorded for future generations, usually by a family member who has thought about it, so many don’t, all that knowledge obtained over a lifetime is lost forever.

If only there was a way it could be stored and called upon as in a library of memories not written but spoken by the person themselves.
I just watched a programme on TV about a Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov who has this dream, and the money, of creating an artificial body, an avatar, to extend the human life span and to extend our minds into machines. To extend human consciousness into robotic avatars; as we are familiar with in the James Cameron's film Avatar. His aim is by 2045 this will be a fact not a fiction. “To continue living in an artificial body than to die in a biological one, when the original biological body is exhausted.”
Makes sense to me! How amazing would that be!
Instead of just reading about what a famous person has said and done, which is wonderful of course, but to actually hear their voice speak of their journey and their knowledge to future generations as an avatar or a hologram.

Imagine if someone like the genius Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison...even a hero of mine Nikola Tesla  1856-1943 a Serbian inventor electrical and mechanical engineer and futurist best known for the design of the alternating current electricity supply system. A person who had such immense knowledge that was, as I have read, just lost, shut down, or destroyed.  So much knowledge, so many experiments, lost  forever. 
Even for a family to listen to their ancestors stories of their life their struggles and their triumphs.  Actual facts...actual history. What to do and maybe what mistakes they have made in their lifetime and what mistakes not to make in your own.
Bring it on...hopefully in my lifetime....before 2045!


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