Flu Shot Time...

Well today I had my flu shot.( If anyone is reading this in northern hemisphere we are now in our winter) A bit later than usual as I had my first AstraZeneca six weeks ago now so waited a while before this flu shot. My next, 2nd, Astra is on July 22 so about half way between the two now and no ill effects....thankfully!

There is so much kick back against the vaccinations it amazes me. Just lost for words! Plus we have been so fortunate here in Australia, as in New Zealand, that we can close our borders to help prevent the spread. Not so lucky in many other countries. Although returning travelers and isolation is another big question!

The blood clots, though frightening of course, happen to around 30,000  people anyway here in Australia, that's per year,  and unfortunately around 5,000 die. The clots and deaths from the vaccine, though also of course extremely sad, are so very few compared to what is happening overseas with this dreaded plague that is upon us. And it will be with us for a number of years I fear as many refuse the vaccine and in the meantime this “thing” mutates and mutates again into an ever more frightening disabling virus.
I was only reading this morning  Covid is now killing young children in Brazil at an alarming rate. I hope the anti vaxers read that news but I doubt if it will have much effect. Just like Donald Trump early on when he called the virus "a Democrat hoax” and ”It will magically go away when the weather gets warmer”. Amazing!! I think he has changed his tune now...surely! After all he did have the vaccination!
As a deadly second wave of Covid-19 ravages India, doctors are now reporting a rash of cases involving a rare infection mucormycosis - also called the “black fungus”- among recovering and recovered Covid-19 patients. It is a bone and tissue eating fungus and can attack the gastrointestinal tract, lungs an skin often spreading to the eye socket and brain. It is thought the crowded conditions in hospitals could be a cause. It is a mould commonly found in the soil, plants, manure and decaying fruit and vegetables. It doesn’t affect healthy people but doctors think it can be triggered by the use of steroids a life saving treatment for severe and critically ill Covid-19 patients.
It seems never ending what is happening around the world as wave after wave, shutdown after shutdown, affects everyone, every country, no matter where or how large or how small. There are no borders to this thing.

Scientists have worked hard to help us and unlike the last time there was a virus like this, the Spanish flu, where in 1918 an estimated 20 to 50 million people died we now have a vaccine; the only way to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
Please check with your Doctor....and stay safe!


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