Viruses That Don't Spread Cannot Mutate...


There are a number of treatments talked about on social media the latest one being pushed by a politician here in Australia. It may work well, I have no understanding I am not a scientist, but why not stick to the tried and tested vaccines that are freely available.  Why not listen to our scientists. They have worked tirelessly to find a cure and yet many always try another route I have no idea why.
Some often seem to think because someone is making money out of it we should not have these vaccinations. To be perfectly honest I couldn't care who makes money as long as we’re all kept safe!
The latest I just read is that unvaccinated people, as you may have guessed, are just as much a danger to themselves as they are to other people. A “Variant Factory” no less with new strains of the Covid virus constantly changing and evolving.
So no matter what age the tried and true vaccines are the only answer.
I’m sure many of these people against vaccines were not around when I was young and polio was ever present!  I so clearly remember when I was around 8 playing with a friend out in the street where I lived. The next day I called at his home and he wasn’t well. A few days later I found out that he had caught polio and back then you ended up in an iron lung...dreadfully sad! It could so easily have been me!
Vaccines have stopped that in most developed countries. What abut Diphtheria, whooping cough, plus many others, we have come so far just to drop the ball on this one and let Covid mutate and mutate again killing even more people in its wake.
As Andrew Pekosz a microbiologist and immunologist at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health states:
Viruses that don’t spread cannot mutate.
The Alpha variant was first seen in England...Beta variant was first spotted in South Africa. The Delta variant was first seen in India and the U.S has several new ones to add to the list. * Addition at the end*

The Delta variant, which seems to be everywhere now,  is so capable of spreading that you just have to walk past someone who has this virus and without even stopping or talking to them you breathe in the droplets they have exhaled and you have caught it as well. It’s so easy to catch it it’s frightening.
The current vaccines protect well against all the variants, so far,  but the more it’s left to it’s own devices, un-vaccinated, the more the risk of newer stronger mutations. That's why we have to be vaccinated and who cares who makes money out of it; I certainty don't as long as I and others around me keep well.
 *( The very latest variant just arrived here in Australia and widely spread now around the world is the Lambda (Google it) formerly known as C.37. from Peru. The frightening thing about this one is that it is even more resistant to vaccines than the Delta variant. I have only just read about it myself a few hours ago and wondering just where this will all end! Just added this in later)*


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