My Secret Confession...

I have a confession to make...I have a “thing” about pet shops.  I just love them !
Don’t know why or what it is but I have always loved going to pet shops for as long as I can remember. 
Maybe it’s the child in me coming out I don’t know but a pet shop just draws me in for some reason. 

The sounds of birds chirping...water running for the fish or just the overall smell of the place it just evokes so many memories in me.
We went to one yesterday, a new one I had never been to before, and it was a virtual Aladdin's Cave of wonderment to me. Pet Barn at Nerang here on the Gold Coast. It was so big I could spend hours...and hours and never be bored. We went there to buy some crushed corn for our three visiting bush turkeys that call in every afternoon for a feed.
So much variety from dog treats of all sizes; even dog birthday cakes would you believe. Amazing..then there’s the dog grooming room.
The beautiful coloured  tiny finches, to small parrots, and budgerigars. I could just wander for hours. Heaven...
Lizards of various shapes and snakes though I like snakes and have kept them in the past. Also the continual background sound of chirping crickets boxed and ready to sell for feeding to the reptiles.

Just love the sound of crickets..reminds me of warm tropical evenings. My mind wanders easily!
The fish...oh how I love looking at the fish! I have always kept tropical fish. All the so familiar names are there Angel fish..Harlequins...Neon Tetras...memo to self when keeping Angel fish never buy those tiny Neons otherwise it’s expensive food for the always hungry Angel fish to eat and at four or five dollars each it can work out expensive! Been there...done that! Nothing worse than buying a dozen or so, letting them free in the aquarium only to see them gobbled up one by one😢
On to the ever popular gold fish of many varieties also. Who hasn’t kept gold fish at some stage of their lives? I think we all have. Some more successfully than other maybe.
Ahh then on to the mice and rat's...sweet.
Maybe a good thing  there were no dogs or cats or you would never get me away from the place!
I’ve always thought I would love to own a pet shop but then I would be worried about who purchased “the whatever” and wonder if they would look after them. I would most likely end up keeping everything myself..not a good business proposition!
So for now I will just enjoy looking, smelling and savouring the experience...
One of the three visiting native Bush Turkeys...



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