Wearing A Mask Correctly...
I know I shouldn’t..and also know I never would...BUT when I see someone wearing a mask in these Covid-19 times under their chin or just covering their mouth, exposing their nose, I often feel like saying something to them. That’s not even counting those that refuse to wear a mask at all!
Maybe I should I know but it would most likely end in an argument and there
are plenty of “Karen's” out there and also the male version I guess that would
be a “Kevin” just busting for a fight and as the saying goes.....I would rather
be a lover not a fighter!
You see them in shopping centres, not many I add these days, but they are
there holding their head up high daring anyone to say something to them. You can
see it in their eyes...I dare you to challenge me...just do it...just do it... I
dare you!
I really have no idea just what their problem is really I don’t. If it
helps saves the spread of this dreaded virus, and it’s now many variants, what
is the problem! Although I am now fully vaccinated 🙏 I can
still become sick maybe not as bad as those un-vaccinated but still sick.
So next time you see someone wearing a mask wrongly, or not wearing one at
all, will you say something or just be silent like me? I have to admit my
patience is wearing very thin with these people and just “biting my tongue” in
silence is coming to an end very soon...
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