Where's The Delete Button...
I often wish there was a delete button for some parts of our memory in the past...
Do you ever think of things you may have said years ago and just cringe
now? Something you may have said in a heated moment, only later on reflection to
regret it, but words can hurt and they stay with us long after that moment has
I often think of things...strangely enough when I’m trying to get to sleep
and just lay there tossing and turning when the mind just wont switch off!
I may
have said things that have hurt people, relatives, friends and work mates..even Parents at times. Maybe just thinking I’m smart...when really I’m
not! I'm sure we've all been there...
Just some spur of the moment quip that bites to the bone and was taken too
far only to regret it once it was said but it’s often too late the damage has
been done. Or things we may have
done when first starting work and the mistakes you made either overdressed for
the situation or just plain stupid mistakes. I have many I can assure you.
Like the time I received my first wage on my first day at work I had it in
my pocket and held on to it all the way home on the underground..the train and
on the bus never to let it go. It wasn’t very much back then but it was huge to
me. I remember I was going to spend it all on clothes but Dad was not having any
of that and said that I should start paying for my keep at home.
The clothes I always wanted but could never afford. The checked light
weight jacket I loved and thought I looked very smart in until some man siting
opposite me on the train starting smirking and pulling faces. Strange isn’t it I
remember it as clearly as if it was yesterday but it was decades ago...another
lifetime almost. I was so embarrassed and as I would go red in the face at the
drop of a hat, sometimes still do, I just wanted to fall through the seat. I
should have just got off at the next stop but you don't think of that at the
time... Just one embarrassing moment among many!
Wouldn’t it be great if, just like a computer, we could go back and press
the delete button on certain parts of our memory. I’m certain I would sleep more
soundly and no more of that tossing and turning with embarrassment if I
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