
Just received my second AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine...


I really get quite annoyed at those that, for whatever reason, refuse to have the vaccine!

Whether it be for religious grounds or just some confused personal grounds it makes no sense at all with what we are all going through all over the world and have been now for the past eighteen months and into the foreseeable future also.

So many have died unnecessarily and will continue to do so until we all have the vaccine. The un-vaccinated are spreading the many variants and the more this thing is left to it's own devices to run rampant amongst us we are all vulnerable...even those that are vaccinated. We catch it and it could make us ill but nowhere near as bad as those that have had no vaccination at all!

There are so many people in other countries absolutely crying out for the vaccines and can't get them for whatever reason and yet here in Australia where we now have plenty and still... STILL... people won't get them aaAAAAHHH! Talk about want to SCREAM😡 It really makes no sense whatever to sense at all!

I had no after effects from the first one and just had the second one today but don't expect any side effects from this one either.

I know someone who says ..well I wear a mask everywhere. Sorry the facts are...and I add I am certainly no expert in the field but have read enough about it.... these new variants are so strong..that even a mask is not always enough protection and the virus can be absorbed through the eyes. That's why in hospital they are advised to wear some kind of eye protection also. So although we may wear a mask and try to stay a metre or so distant from each other that may not be enough.

Please speak to your Doctor...the only true expert you need to know. Not someone from social media spreading some false cures....or anyone else who thinks they have the answer...they don't!


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