It's Complicated...


Remember the days before this dreaded Coronavirus when everything seemed so easy? Going to buy petrol for instance...
Number 1 As you drive in...reach for the mask to put on (not to rob the place I quickly add  😀 just what we have to do at the moment; we have to wear a mask.)
Number 2 As we reach for the petrol release cap switch memorise  the number of the pump for when we go into the shop to pay ( at least that hasn't changed!)
Number 3 Once filled up search in wallet through a myriad of different cards to find the Woolworths discount card for that extra few cents off the price...also the bank card of course to pay..
Number 4 Before entering the shop to pay we have to use the ‘Check In App’ on the ‘phone so that if there is a sudden outbreak of “the dreaded” we can be traced.
Number 5 Once through the door state number 6 of the by shown...all done ”no receipt thanks” I say on leaving as we smile to each other, the console operator and I, even though wearing a mask I still smile...strange isn’t it when they can’t even see my face 😏  Then head back to the car..
Number 6 On entering car remove mask
Number 7 Use bottle of hand sanitiser to thoroughly clense hands...after all you never know these days just who’s been handling that pump and if they may have “the dreaded”.
All Done...just another day in Paradise...
It used to be so much easier...didn’t it?  😕


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