Bombed Out Of Home :( .....

Just feeling so helpless with this current situation in helpless.

It's truly heartbreaking to see families sheltering in the underground tunnels with children and their pet cat or dog looking so frightened. I can only imagine their fear and pain.

I know there are always wars and people dying we see it all the time on television. Maybe we can get hardened to it? Do we really ever or do we just think it is all so far away in the world it wont or can't affect us. This one feels different and I have felt it for quite a time now. Now we are in eastern Europe. Ukraine a country of over 44 million people and just a couple of hours flying time from London itself.

My parents spoke of times during world war2. I never paid as much attention to it as I should have I guess growing up. My Father fighting the German invasion in France and driving petrol tankers. My Mother remained living in London and going through the blitz where it seemed most of the city was on fire and destroyed never knowing what day would be their last.

To see people huddled in underground tunnels, just like the eighty year old news films, has brought it all back and I am just pleased my Parents are not with me seeing what is happening once again with another dictator. My Mother would be distraught to think this could ever happen again...truly distraught.

The first world war was supposed to be the war to end all wars. Then there was another war 21 years later with the evil Hitler. Many smaller but significant ones since of course but now nuclear weapons are in so many many unstable greedy for power hands.

And remember there's always someone making money with a war...from a war...always!

That photo of a mother with her children at the top of my page here..the pain in her eyes to me is numbing...heartbreakingly sad. It truly brings tears to my eyes it really does.

Over the next few days as Russian troops get even nearer to Ukraines capital cities the death toll will be huge I'm afraid it will be numbing, to use that word again, to even comprehend but what can we do. If the west gets involved and sends in troops Putin will no doubt in my mind at all... use nuclear weapons. Once that moment is reached I fear it will be on for young and old as they say.

Lets hope and pray Putin sees sense and doesn't try to continue through Ukraine and on to Poland and countries which are protected by NATO. 

If that happens it will truly be on for young and old alike. Have no fear of that!

The ego of one man is just horrendous...absolutely horrendous. The only way out of this is, beyond the many sanctions that are being put in place against Russia at the moment, is if the Russian people and most of all the Russian army turn against their President. The all powerful and there for life President.

Time will tell and the next few days will be crucial 🙏

 # We are all Ukraine     

Photos are  not mine they are taken from Twitter. If the owner wants them removed please contact me.
They just bring home to so many people what is happening.
Thank you.


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