Man Of The Decade...

                                                  President of Ukraine  Volodymyr Zelenskyy 

This has to be the man of the decade. When asked by the Americans if he wanted to leave the country they would take him to safety. His reply "I don't want a ride...I want ammunition!" 

I bet he never, in his wildest dreams, thought this current situation would be happening when on the 20th of May 1999 he was elected by popular vote. 

It's hard to put into words what his people are going through. How over 44 million people living in peace can be disrupted by one man, one man!

No one since Hitler has caused so much sadness, on such a grand scale as Vladimir Putin.

As refugees, mostly women and children, leave their homes and their loved ones to remain and fight the ensuing army of  hundreds of thousands of Russians as they "try" to take over the country. So far they are not winning after five days and it seems many on the front lines are young inexperienced soldiers; many not even knowing just what they are doing there by all reports. It is said many young men captured thought they were on a training exercise. Some training exercise! Ukrainians are letting some of the young soldiers, some as young as 18/19, call back home to Russia and their worried parents

Now the heavies are moving in..cluster bombing and missiles rained down last night by all accounts. Even though back in Russia the public are being told they are not bombing people just military targets.

There is today, just reported, a convoy forty miles long heading towards Ukraine from Russia. As the world watches and sends weapons and personnel from surrounding NATO countries we can only hope the Russian troops can be held off, for if Putin is allowed to succeed, there is no knowing that if Ukraine is conquered it could be on to Poland. Then what would happen?

If the U.S. became involved and sent in troops I am certain it could be full on nuclear war,..then there is always China which is closely aligned to President Putin. Anything...absolutely anything could happen then.

Maybe China will pull President Putin back into line, if his own people and army don't in the meantime, for if he continues to threaten to use nuclear missiles I fear, as along with so many who are far, far, more knowledgeable than I, if that happens the world will be no longer be how we know it no matter where in the world we live. 

There will be nowhere to hide.....

The thoughts are purely my own. Wishing PEACE to the world...🙏


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