Peace On Earth...

 "I find watching the PGA tournament helps cleanse my emotional palate. Calming and Beautiful."

                                                                      WHAT !

This was said on Twitter by someone concerning the terribly sad and emotional invasion of Ukraine where there is so much death and destruction. I mean...what the **!  

I admit maybe I wasn't as polite as I should have been in my reply and I went to bed feeling guilty at what I'd said.

I guess I need to step away more from the news reports as they are truly disturbing.  It's not to necessarily suffer with them, as that's impossible, but at least I feel I need to be aware of what the population of Ukraine are going through in these exceptionally trying times.

So many of us support Ukraine and wish we could do more but to buy a bunch of sunflowers, the unofficial national symbol of Ukraine, another tweet from yesterday, and as beautiful as they are how does that actually help?

I love sunflowers nothing wrong with that but maybe instead of spending ten/twenty dollars on sunflowers to support Ukraine surely it would be more optimum to actually try to get that, even just a few dollars, to Ukraine itself.

I don't even know if that can be done at the moment? Maybe I just get annoyed far too easily...I guess that's it. I really must step back more...

Just like on 9/11 in New York, the memory still haunts me even though I wasn't there.  Hearing jets fly by now the memory comes's still there all these years later. Watching on TV again and again those tall towers fall in dust and destruction I am having the same feelings now as the local surf life saving helicopter flies overhead. Saving lives..instead of as a gunship killing lives.

 Quite a difference I know but to hear that this morning as I was sitting in the peace and sunshine of the garden I immediately was transported back to the news and Ukraine and how people have to shelter when hearing a 'plane or helicopter in case it is going to kill them.

I know I have to stop watching and reading what is happening but I find it difficult. Almost as if it is my duty however strange that may sound to many. Even when I wake up in the night I switch on my transistor radio and have it on softly under the pillow listening to the BBC world service, often having it on most of the night and drifting in and out of sleep, in case there is a ceasefire or something disastrous has happened such as Putin pressing "the" button which wouldn't surprise me.

Not good is it as this situation could go on for months...hopefully not years.

Is Peace too much to ask for? I really don't think so. After all we are just a tiny blue dot in the vastness of space. Why can't we all get along?

 Now wouldn't that be amazing...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Photo of Earth                                                                                                                                            



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