Scott..Benny..Scott ???

I know my blogs here are not earth shattering, life changing, maybe some are thought provoking they are just my thoughts. Mikes thoughts as I call the header; just things that come into my mind. Some stranger than others.. but the following may have no interest to anyone outside of Australia and the U.K..maybe the U.S.

Most likely many have not even heard of Benny Hill.

Let me explain: Benny Hill was a British comedian, a very successful comedian, from the early 1960's to the late 80's. His TV show was an amalgam of slapstick, burlesque and double entendre in a format that included live comedy and filmed segments. He would do things, makes jokes, dress up chasing buxom ladies...then they chasing him. Things that would, most likely, not be appropriate these days. 

 I'm sure they can be found on YouTube if a search was made. It's worth a look,,and a laugh!

I was on I tend to do...the other day and I found this absolutely brilliant compilation of photos mixed in with our Prime Minister who tends to do "things" for publicity, which would not normally be seen to do like sweeping floors, driving a forklift, looking through a laboratory microscope, welding...YES WELDING 😲..and yes we are leading up to an election again...couldn't you just guess that?  It's the usual three year cycle that seems to come around quicker the older we get!

It was compiled by Patricia Barraclough (@PMBarraclough twitter account) I asked if I could re-produce it here and  Patricia graciously said yes. 

Why is it around election time politicians do things, take part in work, that they have never done before in their lives. Some have never even run their own business.

 I know they try to be "one of the boys" for a few weeks before the said election but surely we are over it by now. It's been done so many times and the photo ops are just plain boring. As acres of their press "people" follow them around and "get" every smile every handshake infinitum.

Delete the bad shots though...they wouldn't look good on TV, in the newspapers or for the advertising brochure.

A million dollars there. a few more million here. A promise or two here and there oh what about another billion...that should make 'em look. and often just in time for the evening news. 

Have you also noticed that any bad news any government may have, no matter who they are, is often dropped on a Friday afternoon hoping that when Monday comes around it will be forgotten.

Anyway thanks for always..and thank you Patricia for the amazing and funny compilation  of  Scott I mean Scott.

Sometimes its difficult to tell the difference 😂


If this infringes any copyright etc., I will of course remove this photo compilation. I have no idea who put it together or where it came from it was sent to me... 


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