Invasion...Not A "So Called" Special Military Operation..

 As the invasion...yes invasion...although Russia doesn't like to call it the Invasion of Ukraine moves into day twelve and the heartbreaking scenes of fleeing refugees fill our television screens daily of mostly women and children, some even cradling their pets, as they head towards the Polish border. Almost two million of them with just what they can carry.  

From then on...who knows? Can they return?  If so what will they be returning to?  Male relatives of fighting age stay to fight the Russians.

Sadness personified. As I have mentioned in a previous blog I am so pleased my parents are not seeing what is happening.  I know they would  be absolutely distraught having gone through the bombing of London, England during word war 2. Now eighty years or so later the threat of war in Europe threatens once again. 

It is at least comforting to know that there are sanctions being placed on Russia and many companies are now either pulling out of Russia all together or temporarily halting supplies. It is early days but it is starting to have an effect as the Russian Ruble dives in value and their stock exchange is still closed.

Putin today has threatened to close off gas supplies to Europe if the west bans Russian oil. Germany and Europe are dependent on the energy imports...but I guess that may change we shall what happens. It's all day to day at this stage.

Boeing said it has suspended major operations in Moscow...while Apple, Disney and Ford are dialing back operations there.

General Motors are halting all exports to Russia. Toyota said it would stop making cars in Russia or importing them. Volkswagen likewise and Nissan anticipates production will stop soon at the plant in St.Petersburg.

Facebook said it would block access to Russian news outlets infamous for promoting the Putin agenda. Twitter also.

Netflix, Spotify, YouTube, Microsoft are all looking to limit sales or completely suspend them.

Mastercard, Visa and American Express will have limited access either inside the country or outside.

The list goes on and on...H&M, Ikea, Zara, Puma, Prada, Estee Lauder Companies, will either close or suspend businesses also. * 

Many would like to see troops sent in to help Ukraine, I know I would as well, but Putin has threatened the worst ever consequences if the west intervenes in that way and I think we all know what that means.

Everyone is treading a very fine line....

*An addition today McDonalds have suspended all their business in Russia. 60,000 staff are now unemployed. I feel terribly for the staff at those establishments but companies have to make a stand against the heartbreak that is Ukraine.

Still waiting to see what Coca Cola and Pepsi will do...

Now Coke have pulled out too...yes!


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