
 I truly felt sick this morning as I heard about the bombing of a Maternity and Childrens hospital  in Mariupol, Ukraine...

What kind of a monster allows this to happen. Could this be a tipping point in the war so far where the west says enough is enough... 

I really fear that after this footage is seen around the world this could easily take a far, far more serious turn. Maybe that is Putins intention after all things haven't gone the way he thought they would by all accounts. His invading forces were not welcomed with flowers and open arms to "rescue" the population.

If only the ordinary people of Russia could somehow see what is happening instead of just following like well behaved sheep at whatever their leader says. They continually are being told on state television that there is no bombing of civilians. They are fearful to speak out for fear of retribution.

There is no opposition media it is all tightly controlled. Any opposition has been shut down completely.

There are a growing number of the population that are brave enough to protest but they are quickly and cruelly arrested. How long can this continue?

Hopefully pictures of what is happening do get through to the Russian people. Hopefully the soldiers that have been captured and are being allowed to 'phone home to their families can get the message across at just how barbaric this invasion is. The Russian death toll grows far beyond the number their people are being told.

I am totally in awe of the Ukranian army as untrained civilians join the ranks...totally in awe of how they are fighting the invaders but fear it will only be a matter of time before they are overwhelmed; unless the west bites the bullet and tests Putins nuclear frightening as that seems.


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