Destruction...When Will This End...

 This truly touched my heart 😒😒  this morning on Twitter. This is quoted directly from a Tweet by a journalist from Ukraine:

"I grew up here. The house of my family has stood here for almost 2 decades. Now this village is occupied by Russians, homes are burned down, dead bodies are on the streets where I used to skate. My three dogs are alone at home. I will never forgive."

I just cannot imagine...cannot imagine!

My heart breaks truly πŸ’” I feel their pain although I am a million miles away I still feel their pain. None of this should be happening but for the cruelty of one man. One man that can create so much death and destruction is just beyond any belief.

Some people say you should forgive your enemies. I really don't know how anyone could forgive..ever! I know I couldn't that's for sure. How could you possibly forgive?

We see it constantly on our TV screens but are sanitised from the smell of death and suffering in the air. If only the People of Russia were allowed to see this horror that is happening but they are not permitted to. The media is tightly controlled and they are only allowed to see what Putin allows them to see.

There was a rally today. A huge flag waving rally and Putin was the main attraction. It was like some old time Hitler rally or as one person remarked ...straight out of the Trump playbook! (A bright spark on Twitter just said somewhat cruelly "It's like a Trump rally but they all have their own teeth.") 

They do all look remarkably young in the footage I could see. It would be interesting to know how many were there by choice.

It is said he even quoted parts from the sick is that! Wonder what part that wasπŸ˜•..It wasn't the "Be kind to one another" part that's for sure!

To see a war in Europe  80 years after the end of the second world war is indeed hard to comprehend. Singlehandedly Putin has caused this and twice now raised the frightening proposition of nuclear weapons; ordering they be placed on "special Alert".

The failure so far of this invasion and the deaths of his generals and many of his soldiers may lead to his downfall. How long will the people support the rationale behind Putin's decision to invade Ukraine?

Hopefully the winds of change will blow soon and we pray they wont be nuclear πŸ™




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