Went to have a blood test this morning.😷..you know the usual check up...been there ...done that...and do you ever wonder what to say? I know I do..always trying to think of something different, maybe than what every other person says..but end up most likely saying what everyone else says anyway?
Take a number and wait...look at the floor... shuffle and my turn already!
"Is it busy today?" I ask as I enter the room. "About average", the young lady replied.
We chat how busy it is out and the up coming long weekend. She has four days off. "Wonderful", I reply..
"And you...anything special this weekend," she asks as I sit down while the paperwork is completed. "Me...no..nothing special".
A pregnant pause fills the room...silence...
"Right or left arm" she asks approaching with the needle poised in mid air😐
"Either," I reply.
"Right handed?".
"Yes right handed", I confirm...."I'll do it in the left then", she replies.
"Just close hand..and relax..hold it there.. a small prick" ( No comment😏) I look the other way, I'm sure most people do, as two bottles of the pure red are drained..cotton wool..plaster and " No heavy lifting with that arm and if you have a bruise just put on some ice", she offers with a smile. I assume a smile as we are both masked😷😷
I thank the young lady with a wave as I leave "Have a great day"... and all done...hopefully 🤞 for another year.
The things you see while driving:
A fit muscular lycra warrior on his racing bike this morning as he was going along he reached down and took a banana out of his sock😀
At least he didn't have it down his pants😲
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