Another Netflix Documentary ....Jimmy Saville.

Just goes to show how times, and indeed thoughts, have changed over the years since the 1970's regarding the care and supervision of children and the treatment of women in the media. A great deal came to light with the #Me Too Movement. Some famous names have since been prosecuted.

The name Jimmy Saville would mean nothing to anyone outside of the U.K. I only know the name because that's where I grew up before moving with my family to Christchurch, New Zealand and then to Queensland here in Australia in the 1970's.

Jimmy Saville was a man different to the usual mould of  U.K. personalities at the time. He was "out there" before it was usual to be out there. Outrageously dressed, long bright blond hair, lots of gold jewellery, always smoking a large cigar and driving flashy expensive cars. Popular with children of all ages.

He was a pop DJ on shows on TV and radio. Everyone knew Jimmy and he was always just "one of the lads" despite the look, just richer and flashier than the average with a quick witty sense of humour. He knew everyone of influence from royalty and was a friend of Prince Charles.

Even the Prime Minister at the time Mrs.Thatcher was a friend often staying at Chequers, the Prime Ministers country estate.

He was knighted by the Queen, on Mrs. Thatcher's insistence,  to become Sir Jimmy Saville.

There were always rumours but they were dismissed. It wasn't until after his death, many years later at the age of 84, that a lot came out about his life and many felt able to speak up.  Some tried previously but were shut down for some reason or just not believed.

He raised such large amounts of money for charities, millions of pounds, maybe authorities were afraid of "killing the golden goose" as it were. The money he raised was needed...badly needed by many institutions from hospitals, children's homes, reform schools for children and prisons. He would visit frequently, often having his own sets of keys, as a visitor and also volunteer as a porter at hospitals a couple of days a week. 

 He was allowed to take young girls out in his Rolls Royce at weekends from a girls homes. Just imagine that today...not! He had free reign for some reason..a reason no one these days seems to be able to fathom but to say what happened was "usual" for the time. Not quite sure what that means?

He had, it was called, "gold plated status" at one large hospital for raising so much money for a re-build. He was much later to be accused of sexually abusing at least 60 people there including very young and ill children. Many, many, more cases have since come to light elsewhere.

He was appointed chief fundraiser and this had the consequence of the hospital becoming dependent on Saville's funds for twenty years allowing him to attack even more young victims. Complaints were made but ignored.  .

Touching of female staff and young girls was well known during his TV years but it seemed to always be taken as a joke...some mischief and just laughed off. A lot more different these days. Now there are checks..on checks..on checks with anything to do with children as there, of course, should be. And if anything untoward is merely spoken against any female employees, let alone touching, it's usually instant dismissal and prosecution.

He was buried in a golden coffin with full honours and the huge black marble gravestone was emblazoned with his achievements and two pictures of him with 'It Was Good While It Lasted' engraved along the base.

When all this news about him was finally known the headstone, which cost an amazing four thousand pounds, was quickly and quietly removed during the night, crushed and used as landfill in a bid to leave no trace of where he lay.

People were righteously shocked, at what had happened and just how much had been covered up during his lifetime. Many now saddened that they had no opportunity to face and question him and equally he not able to answer his accusers.



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