Tyler Henry....

 Is anyone watching the brand new series on Netflix with Tyler Henry?

I find it fascinating ..even more so this series than the last as this time he is meeting, "ordinary", average everyday people and not just famous celebrities.

This time as well as readings from an ever growing list of people, there are many thousands, according to the series 300,000 that have applied to be read, there is a mystery concerning his mother and her mother and father which is intriguing for all concerned.

Tyler's mother always thought the family she grew up with were her real parents but it wasn't until she was older that she found out that was no longer the case. Her biological mother gave her away to a lady she thought could give her a better life but that turned out to be far, far, from the case. It was a cruel and sad upbringing as we are led to believe throughout the series interspersed with Tyler's readings. 

While watching Tyler a young man of twenty six and how, at times, how vulnerable he seems I kept getting the feeling that I'm not ...how do I put it...er..sure of his health and the pressure he puts himself under. The thought just kept coming to me that I hope he doesn't burn himself out, as it were, in trying to please everyone. As it must be a pressure. A pressure to always be on, up, when I'm sure some days he would rather be alone.

He enjoys so much what he does and the help and the peace he gives to people about loved ones that have passed. He has known of this gift as he calls it since he was around ten years old.

He has a wonderful and caring partner named Clint. That's good and very comforting to see their close friendship.

It was on the final episode I watched last night that he spoke of his health and what he had gone through with lung trouble when younger. It seems to be ongoing and something he as to watch and be aware of. He spoke of not seeing himself into old age which was scary and to me he just looked vulnerable...and I felt so sorry for him.

It was after that I just said WHAT!!!! 

He had a 50 state live tour booked around the U.S. for this year to sold out audiences. I guess there's contracts and whatever that have to be kept but it really seems a lot for this young man to do. I know those around him will take good care of him but I felt concerned.

He is very good at what he does and the facts he states which often for the people being read ends in tears. Tears of joy and tears of contentment...a feeling of peace that Tyler brings to them with such warmth and consideration. And also for strangers he has never met and knows nothing about until the moment he knocks on their front door. Amazing!

I only wish I had that gift, that ability, but unfortunately I don't. 

My Mother was a very spiritual person and could do psychometry (the power to hold an object and receive impressions about that object and who owned it) and would love to write; as I do. 

I just ramble my mother would write pages and pages unable to stop and never knew the reason and what it all meant. I guess I'm a bit like that. I self published four books years ago of my writings or free flowing thoughts as I called them. It was before the days of Instagram and the like, or before I was aware of such things, and apart from leaving them at local shops to see if they would sell that was about the size of it.

The thing is since my Parents passing I have never experienced anything, seen them as visions, felt them close but although I say that I think they are close and helping me when I need it.

That sounds a contradiction I know but I always thought I would be able to see..be able to 100% know that they are there. To even hear them or see things move in the house but maybe it's just a feeling. Nothing like Tyler...nothing like.

Although I do have feelings for places and people. I know who doesn't feel right to me and I also seem to know what they're thinking when they talk to me and that changes my perception of them quite dramatically. I also know because of that who I want nothing more to do with!

One feeling I had I was in this old underground car park once, I still think of it, below some shops and it felt dangerous. I could see men standing in groups...in my mind...and couldn't wait to get the hell out of there. I always wondered after what went on down there and if someone was killed. Something I should follow up. Maybe there is a "gift" there after all I just have to learn how to use it.

But back to Tyler I recommend the series if you have Netflix. Watch it with an open mind and an open heart and see what YOU think.

I bet you will be just as amazed and enthralled as I was....


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