Bequest verses Ego....

A Generous Bequest..

My original intention was to write on bequests. Money left to reputable charities after we have left this mortal the saying goes.

The reason was recently a very large donation of $45 million that was left to La Trobe University here in Australia as beneficiary for it's internationally recognised, life changing, research into autism. It will continue giving in perpetuity; the interest alone surely enough to finance many different strains of research.

The significant donation was made by Olga Tennison a compassionate Brisbane born philanthropist with a life long interest in autism, sparked by a family connection. The connection with La Trobe University spans more than a decade and in 2008 was responsible for the establishment of Australia's first research centre dedicated to autism- The Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre.

Mrs.Tennison died in January 2021, at the age of 92 and had a passion for building a better world. A truly wonderful, truly compassionate person indeed. What a great example for us all to aspire to.


Then completely on the other hand.... I have heard some say... Is This Ego?

When a wealthy businessman can spend $83 million on a failed election bid and not win a single seat in 2019 and again in this election in 2022 is spending more than that... it could be as high as $100 million. I have no proof of that but for media talk it, to me, seems almost illogical. Just makes no sense at all to me.

Surely anything is better, more worthwhile, than paying advertising agencies, TV stations, for multi, multi "plugs" where people become just sick and tired of seeing them. I know I am and when the torrent of ads hit the TV...YouTube, Face Book or whatever social media you are on many people turn off anyway. That's not even counting the thousands of large billboards around the country "spreading the word" as it were.'s not for me to say.

Imagine what that much money could do when $45 million left in perpetuity can do so much to help future generations; we can only imagine what more than double that could do. Maybe even cure cancer...or help put an end to world starvation. At least go a very long way to providing some quality answers to help end it. The mind boggles...

Bequest or Ego?  I know which one I prefer...


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