Hello Around The World...

 Hello πŸ‘‹,

When I first started writing these...or putting my thoughts down over a year ago now I never imagined so many people around the world would see them.  

Amazing! Mind blowing!

Just wanted to say a big Hi to everyone. I just say what's on my mind and often never knowing what I will write when I sit here. A big blank some would say...my mind that is.πŸ˜„..but there's always so many things happening. Good and Bad...Miraculous and Sad. 

If only the news was all good and everyone all "got along" wouldn't it be amazing...amazing! No wars no indiscriminate fighting for the sake of power and ego. No fighting over different choices of religion and most of all colour. What's skin colour when we're all made the same anyway. Function exactly the same. It's all crazy isn't it!

After all we're just this blue spinning dot in the darkness of space. One and the same...one and the same. We speak different languages but we are all basically the same, have exactly the same feelings sharing the same experiences. Nothing any of us do is singular, nothing is for the first time and everything we do has been done before and will be done again in the future.

In other words just "get on with it" and stop all the arguing... If only it was that easy...and it should be shouldn't it..it really should be.

I'm sure... whatever you believe in... it was meant to be easier...simpler than what is happening at the moment in the world.

So I just wanted to say Hi to everyone and thanks for reading my ramblings...my thoughts...and sending out love and peace to the world. If only we could all hold hands together what a bond that would be.

Below is a map on my blogger chart that comes up on the screen with stats, hits etc.,

 I make nothing out of this at all just for the pleasure of writing that I thought no one would see it. That it would be more like a diary for myself and then all  these views kept coming in. Thank you πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

Below a list..I have them in no particular order just that the country with the largest amount of daily views come up first:

U.S. Australia (of course..home base) Germany, Japan, France, Brazil, Latvia, Denmark, Netherlands, Canada, U.K. Italy, Russia, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Austria, Finland, Indonesia. Philippines, Plus..Mysteriously 50 others...where could that possibly be..I have NO idea.. Maybe ships at sea...or aliens learning more about us. I will confuse them that's for sure if it's aliens from other worlds. They'll
be scratching their heads...if they even have heads that is😲
Bye for now MikeπŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹


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