I'm no great political knowledge and I don't pretend to be but the general consensus within Australia and by following social media and different TV taking heads we do seem to have "dropped the ball", as it were, with the Solomon Islands. Even though some of those around me disagree 😏

Recently, within the last few days actually, the government of the Solomon Islands has signed a deal that has  "shocked the world" as stated by one newspaper here over a China-Solomon's security pact.

The deal could allow Beijing to send military and police personnel to it's new ally and possibly base naval vessels within Solomon Island waters.

The region has become a strategic tug of war between Australia, New Zealand, The United States and China for a few years now and this new pact could allow China to establish a military base less than 2,000km from the east coast of Australia.

It could be very concerning for Australia as when this was signed it rightly surprised political circles here in Australia, New Zealand, and Washington.

It has been shrouded in secrecy even from within the Solomon's. It seems the deal was kept secret from the Solomon's opposition and was only heard of outside of the close circle of the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare in mid last year. As Diplomatic overtures scurried, but proved fruitless, from the countries that were so concerned as late as on last Tuesday the Solomon's foreign ministry announced the deal had been signed.

Opposition parties to the government here in Australia say we were caught completely off guard by the deal. They say it is more in the interests of China to get into this region of the South Pacific than it is in the interests of the Solomon Islanders. Some commentators have said once China is established there anything is possible even from blocking Australia's trade routes.

If that is the case I do fear for the future. Not now and not for many years to come but it does seem the ultimate wish is for the expansion of China within this region.

The Solomons say they have entered into the agreement with China with their eyes wide open. Lets hope their eyes are wide open enough to prepare for the expansion of China and all that may entail for the future.

(Just announced... The United States will now base an embassy in the Solomon Islands that was previously closed there thirty years ago....)

A post script to this...in 2015...quite unbelievably now.. the Northern Territory government of Australia granted a 99 year lease to a Chinese-owned group for the port of Darwin, reportedly associated to the Peoples Liberation Army of China, for A$506 million.

It was controversial at the time and remains so now. 

Rules have since been changed in legislation with the foreign review board and under these new rules this lease purchase would not now be possible. Just recently Australia's Prime Minister said he would not hesitate to cancel the 99 year lease with the Chinese company if advised to do so by the country's defense and security agencies.

Let's hope that is possible if required....


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