Is anyone as shocked as I am that Mr. Musk will pay $44 billion for Twitter to open up the digital soap box, the digital speakers corner, for anyone to say anything? An opportunity for real free speech without constraints.

$44,000.000.000 Billion. All those zero'! Mind boggling isn't it! I just think what good that large amount of money would do in the world. Could do FOR all the world.

Good luck to him for having plenty of money, it's not that what concerns me, it's just that if Twitter becomes a free for all where anyone can say anything, attack anyone, have no moderation at all surely it could lead to even more violence in the world. 

We all know why a certain U.S. President was banned from Twitter. It was said because of the false information he and his followers were spreading and stirring up trouble. Just imagine if it were free reign and anything went.

There has to be some kind of a check surely.

What if people were able to whip up race riots and gang trouble where's the positive in that. So free speech... will people be able to give out someone's actual address where they live for speaking out about something that has happened or to have a different view?

It's good to have friendly chats with like minded people but some can be really nasty now; I dread to think what the future could be like.

But maybe I'm just jumping ahead and not understanding what really is planned for Twitter. I will stay with it for a while but if it does go in the direction I think it may go, and what's spoken about in the media, then I will be out.

To me the days before social media, without such views of the extreme right or extreme left groups with no central position, were more peaceful, less stressful, less frenetic...yes frenetic... than they are today.

Are we really happier now than before social media?

The jury is still out on that...


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