Just a follow on to a page I wrote on March 21...Just have a read of that first maybe... when an older friend we knew died.

It's really quite sad as yesterday I went to his apartment to see if there was anything I wanted...I should say I was asked by a close friend of theirs and neighbour to look to see.

It sounds terrible to say, just to see if there was anything I wanted, I know. I have enough of my own...

Anyway it just seemed sad...it was full of carefully looked after furniture. The lovely leather lounge settings with glass side tables and matching lamps. Glass coffee table and the bedroom furniture still there as well as a stack of at least six leather bound photo albums of his and his partners life together and their life long travels. They travelled extensively.

Remaining family overseas and interstate have now sold the apartment. It sold in under two weeks for a price that seemed low. I suppose they just wanted to sell...whatever.

The furniture carefully looked after will be going to the Salvation Army...I guess everyone knows the organisation around the world...a very worthwhile charity, they care for many in dire straits, and raise money through their charity shops by selling furniture and assorted household goods. 

Anyway...they will collect everything very soon to sell. Everything that was cherished throughout their lifetime. The furniture that was so cared for and polished to perfection. A  couple of pieces were wanted by the family and that really is that. Framed pictures still hung on the walls. 

Just leaving the stack of memories in the leather bound photo albums that no one wants. They'll just end up at the local tip I guess...a lifetime of memories..dumped!

There's no headstone..no memorial..ashes cast at sea for him and  his partner...as they wished it to be.

It's almost...no it's really... as though they didn't exist at all.

Life seems sad as I closed the door on the apartment as we left and just thought of those memories.

That's all there is really isn't it after all...when all is said and done...we're all just a memory. 😢


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