Our Pets...

                                                                  ******   Barnes  ******

Anyone that hasn't a pet of some kind sharing their lives will have no clue what I'm taking about, and there's nothing wrong with that of course, but pets mean so much to so many of us...whether it's a cat, dog, bird, even fish anything that lives and is a part of our lives...shares in our world and we share in theirs.

I have a bird, a parrot, a galah named Merle. I have spoken of her before in earlier posts. Too many times I guess...She is now 33 years old.  I seem to have been saying 32 for so long now it has to be 33. I have really lost count!

From the time I saw her on the shoulder of the lady in the pet shop I knew she would be in my life no matter what the cost.. and so be it she was.

We, I, talk to our pets and they do understand I know they do. They know certain words and become used to our routines. I know I creep around in the morning trying to be as quiet as I can so that Merle doesn't hear me. Then I hear a squeak and know it's time to uncover her house...not cage if you don't mind. Don't like the sound of cage!

"Did you have a good sleep," I ask as I reach in and to get her out for the day. Usual blank stare back of course...One day she'll reply and wont that be a shock. 😲 

It's the usual a scratch and then in the kitchen drawer...she has her own drawer ...of course! Almonds for breakfast.

I clean it out once a week I add...been there done that when I wondered where all the pantry moths were coming from 😟 then it's the usual round of "Where do you want to lay...on the bed?" We go there...no...maybe it's on the lounge. Ah yes lounge for now at least while I get on with some work as she settles down for a morning nap.

I know I have at least two hours before the next rounds start between her house..bed and lounge and back again... movement we are used to. 

I am well trained 😉 

Have you seen all the different treats for pets in the supermarket? Have to smile...there's even a smoothie for cats...a smoothie mind😏

I'm sure pets eat better than some humans...

We do love to spoil our pets with treats don't we and why not they are a big part of our lives our families.

I had a dog once, I have had every kind of animal there is, but after 14 years when he died it was too much and never replaced him. 😢Couldn't replace him

I was always buying toys for my dog in fact I had a large milk crate of assorted squeaky things..and tennis balls where one would be selected for the day to be played with. Whisky, my dog, a terrier of mixed breed,  would "find" tennis balls outside of the local tennis courts when we were on our walks; as we quickly scurried away with our prize possession before anyone noticed.

Pets, any kind of pets, are truly a joy. They can be, and often are, a tie as not trusting anyone else to suitably care for them so holidays are few and far between.....unless a VERY trusting companion can be found.

Just want to end on something beautiful. In the building where I live in another apartment lived a wonderfully friendly West Highland White Terrier named Barnes..or Barney as I would most likely wrongly call her. Whenever I saw her out with her owners and called her she would go absolutely berserk for some reason and we would cuddle as she jumped around. Just a lovely dog with a great temperament. The owners moved away over a year ago now and haven't seen The Barnes since but I just heard that after 17 years she has passed on. Very sad for Willi and Dan the owners. I Understand after so long the pain and the tears but all we can do is give the best life and the kindest love we can while our pets are with us to share in our lives.

With their agreement and tears I'm sure I have enclosed the video I just received this morning to show their love for The Barnes. 


Always in our thoughts...

https://youtu.be/6Hwz79BSST       It takes a couple of clicks to get there  just follow the prompts.

For some reason it's difficult to load videos...of course it couldn't possibly be me 😳


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