Would you travel to space if you had the chance?

All this money spent on private citizens going to space? I really don't understand it.

I suppose if you have billions it's not that much to fork out around half million dollars or so for the experience but I think I would rather do more here on Earth either for myself or help others than fly to space.

I guess it's a case of "been there done that" they can say to their envious friends but really it leaves me rather cold.

I'm pretty sure I heard  just recently the three private cititizen's that are now orbiting Earth on the international space station paid 75 million dollars each for the privilege. Can that be correct? They will conduct experiments while there but even for a billionaire that's still a lot, a huge amount of money, to spend for the experience.

Imagine what you could do with that much money? Imagine. The mind truly boggles...your own  private island if you wish with connecting flights by private helicopter or people to care for your every whim.

But then on the other hand all the good you could do. All the wonderful things you could spend some money on helping people. Cure illnesses fund research with just a small percentage of that money or the interest alone without even touching the money.  Maybe even curing the common cold...or that other  C that everyone is always aware and frightened of contracting.

There's just such a choice I really don't think I would want to travel to space. Maybe It's just me but I would rather spend the money on other things and also do some good in the world. To leave more of a legacy for future generations rather than just another "experience" for myself to brag about to my friends....

But then as I say....Maybe it's just me 😐


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