Another Mass Shooting...

Another gun massacre in the U.S. 213 mass shootings so far this year and we're only 21 weeks into the  year. Averaging out to about ten a week!

This time nineteen young, innocent, lives lost plus two teachers that tried to protect their young pupils.

693 mass shootings in 2021...the year before saw 611 and 2019 417.

Are they all crazy as some seem to say? Doubt it. Many seemed well planned and thought out.

Just seems far too easy to purchase a gun!

I can understand owning a single shot gun...if you have to that is...but why a rapid firing gun shooting multiple bullets? What's the purpose? Even hunting...nothing requires that many shots to hit anything moving surely. Either that or you have to be a very bad shot and maybe shouldn't be owning a gun in the first place.

As an outsider looking in it just seems mind boggingly strange that people want to kill each other so easily. Why do so many Americans want to kill each other? Something seems very very wrong somewhere...surely!

How can an eighteen year old be able to buy two rapid firing guns anyway...when he isn't allowed to buy alcohol at that age in most states?

I know we are far from perfect here in Australia and I know maybe I shouldn't comment on what or how another country "works" but...words just fail...just fail. It is just beyond sad that so many innocent young lives have been lost and continue to be lost.

We had a mass shooting back in  Tasmania here 25 years ago where 35 people where murdered and since then there has been two and both of those were acts of domestic violence by a male perpetrator, shooting and killing members of his own family on a single property. Plus one random shooter in Darwin which I don't even think anyone got killed...but that's about it. In 25 years!

 We have had single shootings mainly between rival families or drug related killings but the number is so miniscule. But they were with single shot hand guns ..not rapid firing weapons.

After the Tasmanian situation there was a gun amnesty but I understand there are now just as many guns owned as back then but still we don't get people killing each other on such a scale.

Our population is small I know compared to the U.S. but it's just so sad that so many innocent lives are being taken in this way. Just horrific..just horrific.

I know the gun lobby is strong and the right to bear arms I understand is in your constitution but why so many? And why so many rapid firing guns that shoot multiple bullets?

I fear it's too late to change now there are too many guns out there.

What can I say...words fail...words fail. My heart breaks for the young innocent lives that never had a chance to reach or even begin to reach anything like any chance of their potential. 

Something HAS to change...but how?


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