I find it so annoying as I'm sure many do when the 'phone rings and we race inside, as I just did, to answer it before it goes to the answering  machine..and it's a caller from India (and it's always India!) telling me there are problems with my internet.

I know it's a scam...they now it's a scam...we all know its a scam and they just want our details...bank details or some such thing or to renew the contract or search our computer for a fault.

I was receiving at least one call a week...every week...until I lost patience and said something...I forget now what I said exactly and then they stopped. I wasn't rude just forceful and said please stop calling me. It  must have got through I guess, or just sounded desperate, and they stopped calling for a while.

Now it's started again. I do feel sorry for older people on their own there are just so many out there on some kind of a scam after money. It is truly frightening and so easy to get hooked into.

I'm always, usually, polite and quickly reply with a stock standard...My internet  is fine..thanks for calling and quickly hang up before they even have a chance to reply.  I'm worried now that if anything is said untoward maybe something can be done from a distance. I have no idea exactly what or if that is even possible but these days I am taking no chances.

Just be aware..anyone out there..and unless you can be 100% certain the call is from your internet provider or 'phone company please don't give out any details.

So many still do even after it being publicised for many years now and tell any elderly relatives. So many are being frightened and scammed out of their money..still..and  it's truly frightening.

Take care out there...

Instagram: mike_at_mainbeach


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