Australia has a new Prime Minister...


                                                     Australia has a new Prime Minister

Ending nine years of conservative rule Anthony Albanese has led the Labor Party to victory in the national election in Australia.

Whatever your thoughts on yesterdays election it proves one thing that in Australia an egalitarian country like ours can elect a Prime Minister raised in public housing as a child, from a working class background, by a single mother on a disability pension.

No private school upbringing or rich surroundings but public housing...or as I would call it where I grew up on the other side of the world, a council house...or council flat, as in my case. For I was also raised in the so called "public housing system" and not ashamed of it but proud of it. Just as our new Prime Minister is.

It goes to show that anything is indeed possible...anything. With belief, dreams, and some good fortune thrown in we can all achieve many things and not rely on the "old school tie" and rich surroundings as indeed so many do. 

I wish the new Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese well. The transition of power has now taken place and he will immediately fly overseas to Tokyo for the Quad Summit with U.S., Indian, and Japanese leaders.

The road ahead will be rocky indeed in these times of unpredictability here and the world in general.

His first statement from the podium just after being notified of winning the election was to agree to The Uluru Statement. The Uluru statement from the Heart. It asks Australians to walk together to build a better future by establishing a First Nations Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution which has been denied by previous administrations.

For his detractors, and there will be many, the sun continues to shine. Life goes on. The cycle of life, as the cycle of elections and governments, shall continue....

                                                    Instagram    mike_at_mainbeach  


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