I always like to "people watch" and wonder what their stories are.... 

Does that sound creepy😐? Maybe.

Just sitting in the sunshine enjoying a coffee and watching the passing parade. Different shapes and sizes...ages and genders, What have they been through? Are they happy? In this Instagram age many younger ones aren't it seems...or so we are told. 

So many young girls dislike the way they look ..feel they are not pretty enough or the right shape, size, height, where certain influencers they may look up to may, most likely have, used apps to make them look slimmer or more beautiful than they really are. Any flaws in their complexion magically, digitally, wiped away. Out there enjoying life, party after party, mixing with other "beautiful" people on social media making others feel somewhat lesser.. rather inadequate.

Are some passing by super wealthy? Some of the richest people look just "every day" doing what we all do. Just what's their story? And most of all are they happy with their lot? Everyone has a story....

Do you see a "stand out face" sometimes that stays in your memory. I know I do...

I've always said to myself, however strange that may sound, when I see a good looking stand out person, girl or guy, if they had the right contacts, born into the right family, or moved in the right circles they, we, anyone could be famous and not only, as Andy Warhol said, for just that 15 minutes of fame. 

Did they ever want to be famous anyway? Many do....some don't...most would like the money and the lifestyle if they're honest.

I know they have to be good looking; which I guess is sort of sad in itself. But these days.. or as my mother would often say.... In this world your face is your fortune!

We're always searching, searching, searching as we grow through our younger years until we find the mould where we actually fit in...or not...😟whatever the case maybe. Whether it be the one we originally wanted or just the one we accidentally fall into quite often by mistake😕.

So as my thoughts take me in many different directions writing these few words as I sip my daily morning coffee and type away on my ever present device continuing to people watch, I wonder, and think on many different levels. 

We're a complex and strange lot aren't we. Maybe too complex for our own good at times.....

Instagram: mike_at_mainbeach



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