Some Days Are Diamonds...Some Days Are Stone...

 As John Denver once sang...Some days are diamonds...Some days are stones.

Just gong through some very unseasonal weather..high winds and showers...just relentless winds some stony days indeed! Needless to say we do get rather spoilt "usually" with sunshine. It WILL return 😊

 Always feel sorry for people on holiday. There's always someone on holiday here on the Gold Coast, Australia; the holiday capital of Queensland. (see my blog dated April 12)

When the weathers a bit down, rainy and not the usual sunny bright days we are so used to we miss that feeling of freedom, the need to be outside once again. Without that "burst into life" it can be a heavy feeling with so much sadness in the world it can almost be a bit overwhelming. I often think it must be difficult for people on their own with no one else to talk to for company. And there are many.

The news doesn't help at all !

Why do we have so much news to contend with which is so often sad? The 24 hour news cycle has to be filled😫.

Do you find there is often too much to take in as it were? Rarely any good news...very rarely indeed.

It's easy to say well don't listen or watch the news service but it is a part of our life to want to know what's happening in the world for fear we will miss out on something. At least it is for me anyway...

"If it's not one thing... its another", as my mother would often say. We seem to get over one crisis and then there's another. One dictator leaves us and just like a bad virus another one pops up!

With the 24 hour news cycle we are bombarded with news that we really don't need to know. I couldn't sleep last night and had the radio on softly under my I tend to do when I can't sleepπŸ˜’..and some of the news we hear...really! I just shake my head that it's even worth reporting.

So last night a man in America somewhere, (Hi to everyone in America...I just use this as an example)  and we are in Australia mind, so this man somewhere in America killed his girlfriend the story goes. So he dug a hole in his garden and buried the body. As he was burying the said body he had a heart attack and died and was found by the next door neighbor.

Now I know this is tragic for all families concerned but why do we have to know that living in Australia? I doubt if that even made the news much in America! 

Really what's the point? 

There's nothing positive in that...nothing to learn except tragically someone was killed and someone else dies. What really is the point but to fill up some news time!  There are so many other things many good positive things happening in the world but we never hear about them... or very rarely.

Some days are diamonds...some days are certainly stones in the 24 hour news cycle it seems....

Bring on that sunshine...and some good news...please. 

We need more diamonds in our life!! πŸ™ πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒ

Instagram: mike_at_mainbeach 


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