Our visiting friends...Australian Natives

 I live in an a garden apartment with a courtyard but that doesn't mean that wildlife has no place here.

We have a visiting Water Dragon that calls in for lunch, mince the favoured dish. He..I guess it's a he..really have no idea but anyway he runs in and often scares the whatsit out if me as he jumps up on the arm of the chair or runs across my feet as I sit outside....with those huge claws😧

He's big at around two metres and not always sure of his eyesight or whether he may think my fingers or toes are a feed. Not risking it that's for sure πŸ˜€

Then there's the Bush Turkey...she.. I know that as she laid a couple of eggs.. has been calling in for a few years now. There used to be three but the others wandered away as they tend to do and now we just have the one.


I think she was hit by a car recently as she came in and appeared to have a broken leg. I was concerned so made some 'phone calls and was prepared to catch her and take her to the vets. Then she just disappeared and I feared the worst but returned a few days later and though hobbling a bit seemed really no worse for wear. They do seem very resilient poor things. So for now she's almost back to normal.

Birds are plentiful. Butcher birds

with a beautiful song are a native bird. They love mince and the two parents had two young last year and now we have the four of them calling in throughout the day. The name is because they tend fly away and store their food often hanging it up.

We have an increasing number of Indian Mynas..which are not native..and they tend to force their way in and try to out do the local native population. We do not feed those as would rather not encourage them.

The Currawong 

are a large black and white bird with a beautiful song also. Their favoured food is mince...It seems everyone that calls in loves mince. They love to catch it in mid air as it is thrown.

We do have Lorikeets that hang around in the palm trees and fly around in flocks. They are a pretty green and yellow about the size of a pigeon and screech loudly, excitedly, when searching for palm seeds and any other fruit.

That's about the wildlife adventure for today.. and there's our resident parrot Galah Merle of course 😍

Instagram: mike_at_mainbeach


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