Slipping off the news!

 Megalomaniac: A person who has an obsessive desire for power.. 

With so much happening in the world Ukraine is slipping off the news!

Three months in and Russians short range ballistic missiles, multiple rocket systems, heavy artillery and tanks continually pound eastern Ukraine.  Russia is now sending a horrifying rain of thermite incendiary rockets. (As shown in enclosed video clip) Thermite burns at 3,000C through metal. Ukraine's troops are facing some of the most savage, barbarous weapons ever devised.

(3812) 9M22C Magnesium alloy clustered charges fired on Azovstal - YouTube

The ongoing war is affecting world food supplies as Ukraine is one of the world's largest exporters of sunflower oil, corn and wheat.

Russia is accused of genocide but shows no intention of stopping it's bombardment. Also it is depopulating parts of Ukraine and forcibly sending many thousands of people to remote economically depressed parts of Russia thousands of miles from their homes without passports, no financial resources and few options. They have no means of returning. 

These are forced transfers forbidden under the laws of war. Not that Putin is following any laws of war!

The numbers vary from tens of thousands to one million people, It is forced dislocation on a staggering scale state U.S. officials. Also numerous millions displaced throughout Europe as refugees. While loved ones that can remain survive in desolated communities or are dead and lay buried in temporary make-shift graves. 

How will this end one knows. Just that the U.S. is sending in even more powerful weapons. Will it just be time before fighter jets are sent? Or will the rest of the world just lose interest? Or will this war carry on until Putin is removed from office?

Three months in is a long time for the people of Ukraine to withstand this constant bombing, death and disruption due to a megalomaniac and his quest for dominance over a people that didn't want it...didn't ask for it...didn't need it.

Flowers and open arms for Russian soldiers never eventuated as President Putin had told his people on their limited news service. State TV only. So people are not seeing the true picture...the true suffering and deaths from this so called "special operation" or invasion as the rest of the world and the people of Ukraine call it! Where civilians are "supposedly" NOT being killed. Supposedly...

Mothers of young Russian soldiers had no idea their sons where even fighting in a war. As one distressed mother said this morning on the radio, with her voice and her name disguised of course for fear of retribution, she had no idea where her young son just 18 was. He was supposed to just be training locally and when she couldn't find him anywhere it was learned that he had indeed been sent to Ukraine to fight with only a few weeks of training and never handling a gun before.

I hope, along with many others, that this doesn't just become a forgotten war that drags on for years but comes to a conclusion soon.

Hopefully with the removal of Putin and his megalomaniacal quest for power without question...or  opposition.


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